Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Blaugust 2023: Back to School

We take the middle Joarling back to college at Carnegie Mellon tomorrow, where he will be starting his sophomore year as an Electrical and Computer Engineering Major.  He's planning to focus mainly on software engineering and is pairing it with a Computer Science minor.  He spent the summer getting various certifications like Microsoft Azure and Microsoft AI certifications, which will hopefully help him get an actual paid internship next summer.  Beyond that, he was primarily working on his plan to have every relic weapon for every job in FFXIV, which is a bit nuts.  

The youngest Joarling will start his sophomore year of high school on Thursday.  He started learning to drive over the summer but doesn't get his license until February of next year, so it will be a while until he can drive himself to school and swim practice.  So we're stuck providing car service at least for the next few months.  He seems to be mostly fully recovered from his knee-cap dislocation earlier in the summer.  He hasn't started to compete in water polo yet, but he is back at practice.  Swimming seems to be pretty much back to normal.

I've mostly been playing FFXIV and Elder Scrolls Online while waiting for the new Guild Wars 2 expansion to launch later today.  I'm continuing to make progress on the Dark Knight and Dragoon.  The Dark Knight feels squishier than the other tank jobs I've leveled, but it still seems to work out just fine.  

In Elder Scrolls online, I've decided to work on leveling some of the other crafting skills, working specifically on Jewelcrafting, Provisioning, and Alchemy.  I mostly do daily writs to work on those, which seems fine so far.

That's the update for now.  Later in the week, I'll provide an update with my initial, spoiler-free thoughts on the new Guild Wars 2 expansion.




  1. You call your blog MMO Casual, but you play three of them? Wow ;-)

  2. Tipa - very true. Sometimes more than three. I guess the title was meant to reflect that I don't really do anything like Mythic Raiding, high-end fractals, Savage / Ultimate raids, and things like that. I tend to mostly be focused on casual gameplay, but probably not that casual with respect to the approach to games as a whole.


What Exactly Is the Point of Professions Now for Casuals?

Since the last update, I have finished getting that Gnome Death Knight to max level and also a Night Elf Druid.  I've also started worki...