Friday, May 31, 2024

And Giving Diablo IV a Shot

I wanted to like Path of Exile; I really did.  I probably didn't give it the shot it deserved, but it was just way too confusing to figure out what I was doing for me, and I felt squishy in the early levels.  I downloaded Diablo Immortal onto my phone recently and had been enjoying that, so I decided to try Diablo IV.  Really, it will be just for a few days until the new ESO content drops.  So far I've been enjoying it.  

World of Warcraft

In World of Warcraft, I finished leveling my MOP Remix warlock to level 70.  The total time played was around 16 hours, which I'm not sure is all that great relative to just leveling normally in retail.  It has been a long time since I've leveled a character from level 1, so I don't have any good recent data on that.  I'm sure it would go faster with my next MOP Remix character, if there is one.  I'm running short on character slots though, so that may not be in the cards.  The MOP Remix character was my 48th character, so I only have two slots left unless they removed that limit at some point while I was off playing other games.  

The MOP Remix character was my 14th character to max level in Dragonflight.  Far short of the 43 that I ended up getting to max level in Battle for Azeroth, but a lot better than the 7 or so that I ended up finishing in Shadowlands.  I may keep working on leveling some of these guys until the new FFXIV expansion comes out, but we'll have to see.  

Once I was done with the Remix, I grabbed a few of the interesting mounts, including two original MOP ones that I wanted - the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent and the Astral Cloud Serpent.  On top of those, I grabbed a Mushan, a Juggernaut, and one other.  It puts me up to 411 mounts now, which seems more than I could ever really appreciate.


In ESO, I've continued to work on leveling enchanting on my main.  It's at 26 now, so I still have a long way to go, but I'm not in any big hurry with that one.  I also finished creating and upgrading gear for the other two characters I plan to run through Gold Road - my Arcanist and Sorceror.  

When I downloaded Diablo IV, I completely forgot that I had intended to go back and work on weaponsmithing in Guild Wars 2, so I may spend some time trying to do that.

Although, I was honestly doing that so I could create my own Sigils, but now that I've looked at it for Runes, the material cost for Runes and Sigils isn't wildly less than what they sell for on the Trading Post, so not sure why I need to invest the time on that.  It would take a while to pay for itself.

That's the update for now. 



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Warcraft Leveling Progress

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