Thursday, June 3, 2021

Almost done with SAM


I've probably been playing too much FFXIV lately.  I've been working on leveling my SAM job, which is currently sitting at level 78.  I've also been working on White Mage (48) and Machinist (57) during downtime from roulettes with SAM.  Finally, I also started an Archer / Bard and a THM/BLM.  

I also did my first dungeon run on my Gladiator / Paladin which went okay.  I was kind of surprised how long the dungeon queues for tanks were.

I think I'm starting to figure out that I don't really enjoy playing a healer or tank in this game all that much, with Scholar being the one exception to that.  So I may just focus on working on all the various DPS specs for now.  Maybe continue to work on WHM and PLD when I feel the need to revisit.

I also did all the new MSQ stuff from 5.55, which I enjoyed.  I was surprised there wasn't a new dungeon in 5.55, but that's fine.  I'm also going back and working on some of the Resistance Weapon stuff as well as the whole Bozjan quest line, which has been pretty interesting.


ESO has been getting pretty heavily ignored over the last few weeks while I was very focused on my SAM in FFXIV and also just generally busy irl.  I even missed the launch day of Blackwood.  I did hop into it yesterday and started working my way through the main quest story line.  

I also created a Stamina Nightblade character which is what I may work on next.  Was thinking about trying to just level him through dungeons and also maybe do some of the Thieves guild and Dark Brotherhood content on him, since neither of those seem to fit with a Magicka Templar and its super bright glowiness.

That's about it for now.



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