Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Progress on my Samurai


It was pretty fun watching some of the content from the Final Fantasy Fan Fest over the last few days.  I'm really looking forward to the new Endwalker expansion and some of the interesting new things being introduced into the game.  

One of the things that I have really come to appreciate about this particular game is how incredibly friendly and supportive the whole atmosphere and community is.  Combine that with seeing how the game developers interact with each other, and it really gives you a good feeling about supporting this company.

In game, I've been mostly working on leveling my Samurai job, which is currently sitting around level 67.  I'm mostly using Leveling, Alliance Raid and Trial roulettes for leveling as well as trying to do at level dungeons.  I had started the process of unlocking old normal raids that I had missed, but I've discovered that the xp from doing those is not particularly good, so I may stop that for now (although I've gotten about 2/3 of the way through the Alexander raid at this point).

Finally, I also managed to get to 510 ilvl on my SMN, so I feel like I'm fully ready for the next content patch.

After I finish up the Samurai, I will likely work on some combination of the Paladin and White Mage jobs next.  I've been surprise to discover that tank dungeon queues can actually be fairly long.


In ESO, I finished up both Skyrim zones and am working on the epilogue quest series for that particularly set of content.  I'm sitting at 100 CP at this point.  After this is done, I'm going to go back and finish up all the Coldharbour stuff, which I never did on this particular character, and then go back and work on Caldwell Silver and Gold for the other two alliance zones.  Blackwood will definitely be out before that happens, so there will be all that stuff to work through as well.

I also have started putting skill points into my various crafting skills, which is definitely helping with things in those areas as well.

That's about it for my game updates for this week.  



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