Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Leveling as Feral

So I've been leveling my druid as feral and really enjoying it so far.  It does have me a bit concerned about how things are going to work at end game though.  I've almost always played the druid as purely a healer, and leveled him as boomkin.  From what I've seen, I'm not sure that I'm going to be as interested in playing as a healer this time around, but I also don't have an interest in another melee toon.  Especially since that's almost definitely what I'll end up having to do with my paladin.

So we'll see how this works once I hit 100 on him.  I might try going the healing route for the proving grounds and the first stage of the legendary just to see how that works.  Or maybe just do the legendary chain as boomkin dps and then heal once I'm in to raiding.

Leveling the druid as feral has been extremely easy though.  Lots of easily available heals along with abilities that seem to hit pretty hard makes for a nice combination.  The cat form seems to have enough survivability that even pulling multiple mobs accidentally, I never seem to need to switch into bear form for the extra.  It may be slowing me down a bit at times as I tend to just stay in cat form or travel form and dash between objectives rather than mounting up.

My strategy of replacing the Barracks with a War Mill / Dwarven Bunker while leveling also works extremely well to ease the process as the extra upgrades really seem to make a difference to the process.

So the druid is sitting at level 96 and heading for the Spires of Arak.  I've been using the garrison xp potions on this one, so we'll see if that makes much of a difference.

I've also been leveling an alliance hunter with a friend, and he's currently sitting at level 95.  I really continue to enjoy marksman hunters this expansion.  Even though I just leveled one Horde side, it really isn't getting boring for me.

Beyond that, I've now got 3 toons that have completed the first stage of the legendary questline and are working their way towards 125 Abrogator Stones.  I expect to discover any day now that Khadgar has really just been Wrathion in disguise this entire time.  The obsession with collecting stones / drop items I believe is my first clue.

After the druid, I think either the mage or shadow priest will be next up in the leveling circus.  I'll probably squeeze the monk and paladin in between casters, as I still have the shaman to get through as well.

It'll be interesting to see how many toons I can get started on the legendary questline before the next stage of it drops, presumably some time in February or March.

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