Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 Year In Review

So looking back on in game happenings in 2013, it was a fairly productive year.  I managed to level a total of 7 characters from 85 to 90 and made good progress on the other 8 toons in the Joar alliance army.

I've also managed to do some LFR raiding on all of my Horde toons, including killing the current xpac end game boss, Garrosh, on 9 of my 11 max level a Horde characters.  And the other two should be complete in the first couple weeks of 2014.

2013 also saw me do a little pet battling (which I may pick up again once my LFR goal is behind me).  It also saw me trying some world PvP on a PvP server - something I'd long avoided.  Finally, I made a concerted run at the 150 mount achievement, grinding out some BC rep to pick up the last few I needed.

I also kept after my various gold making activities.  Inscription, enchanting and jewelcrafting continue to be my go to professions for gold making, but I've also started to get more into blacksmithing and tailoring.  So far for 2013, I've found that doing a little bit, but doing it consistently leads to pretty sizeable profits.

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