Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 Year In Review

So looking back on in game happenings in 2013, it was a fairly productive year.  I managed to level a total of 7 characters from 85 to 90 and made good progress on the other 8 toons in the Joar alliance army.

I've also managed to do some LFR raiding on all of my Horde toons, including killing the current xpac end game boss, Garrosh, on 9 of my 11 max level a Horde characters.  And the other two should be complete in the first couple weeks of 2014.

2013 also saw me do a little pet battling (which I may pick up again once my LFR goal is behind me).  It also saw me trying some world PvP on a PvP server - something I'd long avoided.  Finally, I made a concerted run at the 150 mount achievement, grinding out some BC rep to pick up the last few I needed.

I also kept after my various gold making activities.  Inscription, enchanting and jewelcrafting continue to be my go to professions for gold making, but I've also started to get more into blacksmithing and tailoring.  So far for 2013, I've found that doing a little bit, but doing it consistently leads to pretty sizeable profits.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Progress Towards Killing Garrosh on All Toons

So I managed to notch another Garrosh kill on another member of the Joar empire this weekend, with the priest taking him down.  That makes toon #5, and puts me approximately half way to having it complete across all 11 classes.  Except for an incredibly bad LFR group in the Downfall wing, I might have been able to get it done on my monk as well, but spent two hours watching a series of tanks wipe on the first set of trash in Downfall.  Apparently "don't tank lots of sentinels together" is way too hard to understand.

So after maintenance today, I'm going to take another shot at it on my monk which should make toon #6.  I also managed to finish the first wing on my Shaman this past week, so after the monk is done, the Shaman and Mage should be ready to start their way through.

I'm also hoping to make the blacksmithing healing belt for my paladin today, which hopefully will put him over the ilvl point of being able to run SoO as well, and give him a shot at being toon #9.  Then my rogue and warrior are both in the 490's and just need hopefully a single ToT run to push them over the threshold.

I've also been working on leveling my alliance hunter a bit, who will be my 13th level 90.  He's currently sitting about half way through 88 and working through Townlong Steppes.

With patch 5.4.2 dropping today, it's going to mean good things for all of my alliance toons.  Nice sets of Timeless Isle gear will be heading to both my DK and my hunter just in case I want to do anything further with them.

And my next toon to be leveled, the warlock, will now benefit from a full set of BoA gear, which should make his life immensely easier as well.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Leveling, More Garrosh Kills and the Rest of the Joar Empire

So along the way a couple of weeks ago, I managed to get my 12th toon to level 90, my Alliance death knight.  He managed to ding somewhere around November 25th or so.  I've decided to bag the process of leveling them all a little bit at a time in order to maximize rested xp and just do them straight through one at a time.  It's likely not quite as efficient, but it'll be easier on my sanity.  So the hunter is up next and is currently working his way through the Valley of the Four Winds.  After that, the warlock will probably be next.

I've also managed to get a total of four toons to kill Garrosh at this point, my warlock, death knight, hunter and druid have all taken him down at this point.

My monk has finished through the 3rd wing, and I'm about half way through the second wing on my priest, so those two will be next, making #5 and #6.  After that, it's just my mage and shaman of the toons that are geared, and then I'll be back to running ToT a time or two with my warrior, rogue and paladin to finish getting them geared.  I may end up able to make the blacksmithing healing belt for the paladin in the next few days, which would likely put him over the edge of being able to go straight into SoO.  I may also do quick burden dashes to the burning chest on both the paladin and warrior which should give both of them a little ilvl boost as well.

Here are the changes in my various character's ilvl since my last report in late October:

Warlock - 531 -> 540
Death Knight - 512 -> 526
Hunter 509 -> 511
Druid 504 -> 511
Priest - still at 503
Mage - still at 498
Shaman - still at 498
Monk - 496 -> 502
Paladin - 487 -> 491
Rogue - 485 -> 493
Warrior - 484 -> 493

I'm also grinding out Shahao rep on my warlock for reasons that completely escape me, other than PRETTY MOUNT!.  So I'm spending about 30 minutes every day killing the requisite 20 yaungol.  Still trying to decide if I want to bother with the dinosaur bone grind.

More Leveling Progress

My play time continues to be limited, and as a result, very much focused on World of Warcraft.  I did manage to get both my Druid and my Dea...