Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Finished Secrets of the Obscure

It's been a while since I've posted, particularly after the flurry of Blaugust.  At least a flurry relative to my normal pace of posting.  Things have been busy with real life for the last week or so - my youngest son's high school hosted a big water polo tournament this past weekend, and as the finance guy, a lot of behind-the-scenes work running the tournament ended up falling on me.

Things have also been pretty busy at my regular day job.  

Today was the first time since last week that I've had any play time.  I have finished up Secrets of the Obscure since the last I posted.  I may run through it on my Necromancer and then go back to getting my Mechanist caught up on current content.  Then I'll need to decide if I want to try running my Ranger through stuff.

On the FFXIV front, I've continued to work on leveling both the Dark Knight and Dragoon.  The Dark Knight is at level 82 and the Dragoon is around 65, so they're both in very good shape.  I've gotten two new mounts out of the Mogstone event, and I hope to get quite a few more once my play time frees up a bit.  

Next week, I should be able to invest a bit more time, but then the following week, I'm going to be out of the country all week, so there won't be anything happening then.

That's all the update for now.



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