Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Diving Back Into Guild Wars 2

 It's been a bit longer than normal since I've posted here.  Most of the last month or so has been a mix of Guild Wars 2 and Final Fantasy XIV.  And overall, it has probably been quite a bit less play time than normal because of some other real life commitments.  The middle Joarling is a senior in high school this year, so that means we've been working through the whole college application process for the last few months.  Swim season for the kids is also in the full swing, which also means a lot less time.


I did manage to get my Gunbreaker to level 80 and also completed all of the Shadowbringer role quests.  I've been doing a little bit of leveling with most of my other jobs that are not yet at 80, but just a little bit of a time with each one, so they're all right around the mid 30's now.  After hearing that leveling alt jobs will be easier in Endwalker, I figured it didn't make much sense to make a big push to get a few more there before Endwalker drops in a few weeks.

I'm also almost finished with the Omega raid.  I only have the very last boss / wing to complete.  Other than the Coil of Bahamut stuff, that means I'll be completely done with all the raid content.  So I'm feeling pretty good about where I've set myself up going into Endwalker.  I'll be working through the MSQ on my Machinist, who I've really been enjoying lately.  It feels like they're making Summoner even more complicated, and it seemed crazy enough.


This is a game that I've never successfully gotten into for any length of time.  Prior to this past month, the highest I'd ever gotten was level 20.  But I thought I'd give it another try and it seems to have clicked with me this time for some reason.  I think the personal story quest concept is new from when I first tried it, so that has definitely helped.  I've now managed to get my Sylvari Ranger up to level 72, so I'm almost at max.  I need to finish the level 70 personal story quest chapter, which seems quite long, and then I'm going to level up cooking to get the rest of the way to 80.  

I've been enjoying it a lot and am really looking forward to the new expansion coming out next spring.  I've got a few other alts along the way that I may try a bit as well, although given how low level they all are, I may just restart them from scratch to make sure that nothing bugs out.

That's it for now.  With Endwalker releasing soon, and college applications mostly done, I should be able to get back to posting more regularly!



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