Friday, February 5, 2021

Picking Up Elder Scrolls Online

 My motivation to continue to play World of Warcraft is really petering out.  You used to be able to find your exact start date with the game on the account screen, but that feature seems to be gone now.  So I'm not sure exactly when I started playing, but I believe it was sometime in the spring of 2007.  I've been continually subscribed since then.  

I haven't always been playing constantly since then - I've taken time out over the years to try games like RIFT, SWTOR, Wildstar and most recently FFXIV, but I always found myself eventually coming back to WoW.  And that return was generally soon enough that I never considered cancelling my sub.

I may have finally reached that point.  I was in the process of leveling my fourth character to 60 so that I could finish up the last covenant campaign (Kyrian in my case), and I've just run out of steam and motivation.

I'm still playing FFXIV on and off, but mostly right now I've picked up Elder Scrolls Online and have been giving that a whirl.  I've been playing as a Magicka Sorcerer so far and am really enjoying that.  It obviously doesn't stray too far from my warlock roots, although I suppose Necromancer would have been closer.  

I'm really enjoying the game so far.  I'm not very far at this point.  I started in the Western Skyrim / Greymoor storyline and then eventually figured out I should probably go back and start at the chronological beginning, so travelled to Vukhul Guard and picked up the Coldharbour story line there.

My character is currently sitting at level 15 and is still a bit overwhelmed with how the skill points and gearing and everything else works.  But there is a lot of interesting content to work through and I'm really enjoying just working through a new story and exploring new things.

Before I started playing World of Warcraft, I played both Morrowind and Oblivion, so this feels a little bit like coming around full circle.  I don't remember much about those games anymore other than they helped build my passion for this kind of gaming.

As I mentioned, in WoW, I sort of got stuck on leveling my 4th toon.  It's the blood DK, and he's currently sitting at level 53 and working his way through Maldraxxus using Threads of Fate.  I was running the daily callings and weekly Venari quests on Joar before I gave up, but still hadn't managed to get all the factions to exalted yet.

In FFXIV, I've been mostly working on DOL/DOH jobs, crafting current gear to help me keep leveling up each of those, which I'm mostly doing through Grand Company turn-ins.

That's about it for now.  



1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's quite a number of years. Even in my most active period from 2006-2014 I took several breaks and since then it's more break than subscription :P

    For old characters you're often lucky with - back when people had the census addon running. On my server the data is pretty good from classic up until ~MoP, I guess this is your character (if it's the oldest) but only from Cata on:


More Leveling Progress

My play time continues to be limited, and as a result, very much focused on World of Warcraft.  I did manage to get both my Druid and my Dea...