Friday, May 12, 2017

Unlocking the Broken Shore for Everyone

So I finished unlocking the Broken Shore on all 12 max level Horde toons and have now also started the process of getting the new Legionfall Champion and opening up the elite Broken Shore world quests (which often have 880 gear and other upgraded rewards).

It's been interesting to see all the stories for each class surrounding the Legionfall Champions.  At this point, I only have the warrior left to do.

Consistent with the rest of my Legion class quest experience, this time around Elemental Shaman was once again my least favorite.  If that wasn't already one of my wealthiest toons because of the good old days of inscription, I'd park his butt in front of the auction house for the rest of this expansion (or maybe just re-roll him as enhancement).

I'm also planning to unlock the additional artifact traits on everyone if possible, although at this point, I've only completed that on 5/12 toons, so that may take a little while.

Also, one quick tip that I got this week from an in-game friend.  Six of the twelve classes have an ability in their class order hall that can be researched that allows you to complete one World Quest per day for free with no effort.  Those classes are Warlock, Death Knight, Paladin, Demon Hunter, Mage and Warrior.  This is not only an easy way to get gear on these toons, but is also a way to keep a regular flow of resources coming in to enable you to keep running order hall missions for other rewards.

My plan is to blow through class hall missions to finish filling out artifact traits on those toons where that isn't already done.  And then work through the quests to unlock new artifact traits.



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