Wednesday, September 11, 2024

First Level 80 in War Within

I hit level 80 on my warlock in War Within this week.  His total time to level was 12 hours and 45 minutes.  Obviously not a leveling speed record because of initial congestion, taking time to read quest text and watch cut scenes, and generally not being efficient while enjoying the new content.  However, this was the fastest time ever for the first character leveled to max in a new expansion by quite a lot.  The previous fastest was Dragonflight at 17 hours and 26 minutes, and the previous fastest before that was actually Battle for Azeroth at 20 hours and 27 minutes.

I'm finishing up the campaign quests and then will start working on World Quests and running heroics to gear up for LFR, which started this week. I will likely try some delves as well just to try that gearing path.

Doing the side quests slowed me down, and as it turns out, they weren't needed for Pathfinder, so with my next alt, I will try to stick to the main story quests and throw in a few more delves and dungeons.

I'm continuing to enjoy this expansion so far.  I haven't started leveling any alts yet, and obviously not working on any endgame stuff, but I continue to have fun.  I'll be leveling my hunter next.

In FFXIV, I finished getting the raid weapon on my main.  The queues for daily roulettes have been extremely long, pushing me to switch to playing World of Warcraft more than I otherwise might.  As a result, I've stopped leveling alt jobs, and I probably won't return to that unless I start getting frustrated with WoW.

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