Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Blaugust 2024: Updates on Warcraft and FFXIV

 In Warcraft, I got yet another character to level 70 using the Radiant Echoes - this time my Alliance Paladin.  That makes my 18th character at max level.  I'm running my Alliance Shadow Priest through the same process next.

After playing the pre-patch for a few weeks now, while I like the concept of warbands generally, especially as a massive altoholic, I'm not a big fan of the log-on screen itself.  I enjoyed having my characters organized by server rather than all together in one big mass.  It cut them up into much more manageable chunks.  Of course, this is from the perspective of someone with 49 different alts, so you're dealing with a much smaller group of characters, it's probably a lot better interface.

In Final Fantasy, I have only played a little since my last update.  I've gotten busy with work and then was out of town over last weekend for a water polo tournament with my youngest.  I have kept current on the new raid, and all I have left gear-wise from that are legs, one more accessory, and the weapon.  Then, I can just focus on leveling until the alliance raid comes out.

All my DOH/DOL jobs are at least level 97 now.  I have two at level 100 - Leatherworking and Goldsmithing, so I can do all my own melding now, which is good. 

Once War Within launches in a couple of weeks, I will take a break from FFXIV for a while. We'll see how long that keeps me engaged. I'll likely focus on that until the first raid tier is done, but we'll see how that goes.

That's the update for now.  I'll try to knock out one more post on Friday!



1 comment:

  1. Just stopping by scrolling Blaugust blog posts. Glad to see another Blogger blog out there in the wild!


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