Monday, July 17, 2023

Elite Specs and Paladin Done

 Guild Wars 2

I will start with Guild Wars 2 this week.  I finished getting to max level on all the professions and also was lucky to find a couple of regular morning Heart of Thorns Hero Point trains, so also got the elite specs unlocked on all of those professions.  Everyone is basically geared up and ready to go at this point.

In terms of playtime, now that is all done, I've been mostly working on playing back through story content on my shiny new Mechanist and his big green robot friend.  So far, Mechanist has been a lot of fun.  We'll see how far through the story we can get him before the next big content drop in August.  I tried the Daredevil Thief a bit and wasn't really feeling it, but will probably try a few of the other professions in just general open world meta event type content and see how they all end up feeling.  

I may work on leveling up some crafting professions after this, at least trying to get them all to 400, but we'll have to see on that one.  


I finished getting Paladin to max level and am now focused entirely on Monk.  That job is sitting around level 74, so I do not have far to go with that one either.  I'm usually hesitant to level tanking or healing specs using either the leveling or alliance raid roulettes because I just don't have the confidence to do either of those well in situations where the group is clearly depending on me to not screw things up.  However, I may give it a try for Dark Knight once Monk is complete.

I don't know how Monky this is, but I think it looks good!

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