Thursday, August 5, 2021

Finally back into ESO


Since there has been nothing to talk about in this department for quite a while, I figured I'd start his particular blog post with Elder Scrolls Online, where I have been playing again regularly.  I finally got around to finishing all the Coldharbour stuff on my Magicka Templar and have now moved along to working on Caldwell Silver, which for me seems to mean the Aldemeri Dominion next.  I finished the Blackwood main story quests as well, and am now just waiting for next DLC release, which sounds like it's coming fairly soon.  I may go back and do some of other Gates of Oblivion dungeons that were released prior to Blackwood just to make sure I'm current on that story.

I also managed to hit CP 160, which seems to be some kind of milestone, although I'm not sure I completely followed why.  I've been toying with various solo builds and working on my crafting a bit and just in general, enjoying the solo aspects of the game.


It's been an interesting time in FFXIV.  With the latest developments out of Activision Blizzard, a substantial chunk of my old World of Warcraft guild has made the move over to FFXIV.  So I did a quick server move so I could join them and help everyone get the guild up and running in FFXIV.  So I'm now on Malboro instead of Zalera.

I'm continuing to work on my Dancer and my Bard.  The Dancer is sitting at level 72 and the Bard is sitting at level 50.  I'm hoping to get the Dancer finished in the next few days and then move along to polishing off the bard.  I also started a Gunbreaker, so I'd have a decently high level tank to run stuff with the guild when needed.  Might do a little bit of leveling him through dungeons, but I've had some stability issues on the home internet, so may wait until that gets fixed.  Nothing worse that a tank disconnecting mid-fight. It would also be nice to get a tank class done so I'd have that checked off the list towards eventual mentor status.

One thing that I've added to my regular leveling routine is doing the daily Frontline Roulette.  It's a ton of xp (although it seems to be slightly less once you hit level 70 - need to investigate that more).  In the 50-70 range, I was getting about half a level for a 15 minute battleground, with fairly short queues.

I'm leaning toward leveling the magical dps classes next just because there isn't as much common gear with the melee dps class, particularly for token and endgame gear, so less gearing synergies to be had while leveling all of those at once.

That's really it for now. 



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