Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Dear Sons of Hodir Shao Hao Legionfall Shitty Rep Grind Masters

So it's another rep grind.  At least I'm not wandering around killing Yaungol for no reason or polishing some giant's ugly ass helmet.  But in the guise of the largest content patch in Blizzard history, we seem to have gotten the same old same old in terms of rep grinds.

We did receive the first installment in the promised eleven week continuation of the class order hall campaign.  So far, I've just done the warlock and hunter versions, and both were pretty good.  The warlock one especially had a lot of really cool class flavor to it.

I've also done several zones worth of Legion invasions and have found those to be really fun as well, although it's a bit disappointing that you only get rep for the first one that you do.

Finally, while it is still just a rep grind, the world quests that have been introduced in Broken Shore have been pretty good, with a nice amount of variety in quest types.

So it's annoying, but like every other expansion, I'll get over it in the interest of getting what I want.  At least in this case it's flying and a mount and not just some stupid enchant.

My warrior is working his way through Highmountain and is sitting at level 105.  There is a lot of class order hall campaign to do on the warrior before 110 (completely unlike the mage), so that is adding some nice variety to the leveling process.

I've also been taking advantage of the new higher gear rewards from world quests to gear up some of my other alts.  Doing so, I've managed to get legendaries now on 10 of my 11 max level toons.  Only the mage still needs one.

So that's it for now.



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