Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Rogue Makes Level 110 #10

I hit level 110 on the rogue about two weeks ago.  He's getting close to being done with his class order hall campaign as well.  I'm still enjoying subtlety, at least for world quests and that kind of thing.  From a leveling speed time, the rogue ended up being pretty quick, coming in as the fourth fastest toon so far.

I also managed to get a legendary on this guy almost right away, as one dropped out of an emissary box on the "Do 20 world quests" part of the class order hall campaign.  That makes 7 of my 10 max level characters with legendaries at this point with the Druid, Demon Hunter and Shaman being the unlucky 3 without.

Once I get those last two classes leveled, I'll probably focus on doing world quests on those until they get one.

I'm now off working on the mage.  I'm leveling as fire for the first time ever, which has been relatively decent.  What it loses over frost in terms of control, it definitely makes up for in sheer burst damage.

After the mage, it'll be the warrior and then I'll be done with all the Horde classes.




  1. I ran into your blog while searching for "addicted to alts in wow". Seems I found someone who has any many alts as me. I battle this everytime i log in, stressed over the amount of characters I have. How do you get past that? you seem to be leveling up pretty solid.

    1. @kayber7 I really enjoy the leveling process, and particularly with world quests and some of the new mechanics in Legion, it gives me an easier way to gear up and improve those characters once I get them to max level. I tend to just pick a couple of characters each day and do emissary quests on a few just for gear, resources and fun, and then work on leveling a bit. I keep it pretty stress free.

  2. Are you horde or alliance? I just levelled my rogue to 110 today which makes my 9th 110. The other three are 105 and I have challenged myself to get one to 110 tomorrow my feral Druid I think. I hope you are having fun!

    1. @Jordan - I have a full set of level 100 characters on both factions, but I always start with Horde, because that's really where I started originally, and is also home of the guild that I feel the most attachment to. So while I'm making good progress on the Horde toons, the alliance folks are all sitting at 100 still.

  3. Hi Joar I have been busy. Levelled my Druid and Mage to 110 in the past two days. Three more levels on my monk and that's all the classes covered. I have only completed the class missions on my main DK so you are miles ahead in that regard.

    1. Hey Jordan - congrats on getting the additional characters to 110! I managed to get the mage there yesterday as well, so now it's just the warrior to finish up. I started on the class order stuff for the mage, a surprising portion of which doesn't even start until level 110. Hoping to get a blog post on that out sometime in the next day or two.

  4. Thanks Joar.

    Shame you are Horde.

    My guys are Alliance on the Eredar realm which is a pvp server heavily populated by horde.

    Feel free to add me: jordz#1332


Warcraft Leveling Progress

I have managed to get 4 more characters to max level since the beginning of the year, bringing my total to 14.  That is despite having no pl...