Wednesday, September 14, 2016

So Much To Do!

So I've been level 110 for around a week now, and I'm still finding myself completely overwhelmed by the amount of things to do.  A week later, and I'm still not geared enough for heroics (although I'm VERY close, sitting at 808).

So I guess we were all whining a bit about lack of content, so boy did we get it.  And it's almost overwhelming.

  • World quests (including daily emissary quests)
  • Profession quests (for me, both tailoring and enchanting)
  • Cooking quests and Nomi work orders
  • Class order hall quest line
  • Class order hall mission (including training troops)
  • Artifact weapon stuff, including training artifact knowledge
  • Suramar quests (I've finished all of the other zones, but I've barely scratched the surface of this one).
  • Nightfallen rep - there are two dungeons gated behind Nightfallen rep along with portions of my profession quest chains
  • Fishing / working towards the fishing artifact rod and reel
Needless to say, with all of this going on, I haven't made any progress at all on leveling other alts.  In Warlords, my second character hit max level 26 days after launch.  We're at 15 days now, and I don't feel like I'm likely going to get there in the next 11 days given that my next highest level character is sitting at 101.  But that's okay.  Because that means there is a lot to keep me occupied and engaged this time around.

In terms of gearing, I seem to be having equal luck from world quests and normal dungeons.  If I wasn't doing so much other stuff, I think I likely could have geared up for heroics fairly quickly, but it honestly hasn't been a priority.  There also seems to be a fair amount of reasonably priced 815 gear on the auction house on my server to supplement where needed, but I haven't felt the need at this point.  (And maybe others haven't as well, given the "reasonably priced" part)  I find the Companion App is better for figuring out which gear related world quests I want to go after because they're easier to pick out there.



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