Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Not Quite There Yet

A week long business trip to Europe delayed my plans on my Alliance Warrior, but he's back in the swing of things, and just started working his way through Gorgrond today.  That was my 22nd toon to run through the Tanaan Jungle starting experience.  Ugh.

It's a busy week this week, so not sure I'll be able to finish him up, but should be in relatively short order.  Then it'll be time to finish up the monk and finally nail down the goal of a level 100 of each class for each faction (plus one extra warlock, and maybe an extra hunter if I have time)

I'm still doing a little bit of the garrison thing, but not with the same level of urgency that I have in the past.

I was excited to see a release date for Legion as well.  August 30th will be here before you know it, so I've now got a fairly limited amount of time to get these last few toons done.

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