Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Rogue Hits MSV - Toon #9 Geared for LFR

Well, quite a bit of progress since the last post.  I managed to get a Lei Shen kill on my 5th toon, the Death Knight, the Hunter is now the only toon working on HoF and ToES, and the Paladin, Shaman and Rogue are all working their way through MSV.

Here is the comparison of ilvl's from my last post to now:

Warlock  512 -> 513
Priest - 500
Mage - 492 -> 495
Druid - 482 -> 484
Death Knight - 479 -> 483
Hunter - 473 -> 479
Paladin - 468
Shaman - 460 -> 464
Rogue - 449 -> 461
Warrior - 440 -> 442

Also managed to get my monk to level 75, so he's coming along nicely as well.  Even after how many years, I can only stand so many runs of Utgarde Keep before the place starts to drive me nuts.

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