Friday, March 14, 2025

Thoughts on Undermine and Leveling Update

It has been longer than I would like since I last posted.  There has been a lot going on at work as I've changed roles yet again.  We also took a brief spring break trip to the Florida Keys for 5 days to get some sun and relaxation.

I got started on the Undermine content.  I haven't done any LFR yet, but I did the Gallywix fight in story mode to see all the cut scene stuff.  I'm not a big fan of the whole goblin motif in World of Warcraft, but despite that, I've enjoyed Undermine.  Running around in your car doing chores is a welcome break from the typical grind, so the regular quests in Undermine don't bother me that much.

I like the car, although I wish I could drive it with a bit more precision.  I haven't completed all the side quests in Undermine, but the chains I've done so far have been fun. All the new delves I've done and the new dungeon have also been great.

I've already gotten my two-piece set bonus with the new gear, so that's been helpful so far.  The demonology warlock set bonuses in this expansion haven't wowed me so far, and I don't like them having a weird goblin theme this time, but I'll get over it.

I've also been more focused on knocking out Renown on my main, so I've been taking a break from leveling alts to do more.

On the leveling front, I finished up both the paladin and the shadow priest, so all the characters I originally got to max level in Dragonflight are now done for War Within, WAY ahead of schedule.  Because we had a couple week break from Timewalking dungeons, it was back to regular questing for the shadow priest, so the leveling time for him was back to more in the 6-hour range compared to 3 hours or so.

I've now started on my sole level 60.  A free boosted character from the purchase of some expansion or another.  It's a Kul Tiran druid on my third server.  I've been wondering how much time this will take, especially once I get to the level 50s (there are 26 of them).  The time to get from 60-70 was only an hour, so I'm hoping that means that 50-70 won't be more than 2 hours, if that.  That will give me a pretty decent shot at getting a lot of these done before the end of the year while still staying caught up on things on my main.

Thoughts on Undermine and Leveling Update

It has been longer than I would like since I last posted.  There has been a lot going on at work as I've changed roles yet again.  We al...