So first to the discovery and memory part. After talking about my progress with some guildies, I was gently reminded that the overall zones achievements are in fact account wide, and that there was one character - my warrior - that I leveled AFTER Cataclysm. I even talked about it here in this very blog: Love That Warrior Blog Post
So not only had I leveled this character after the old world reboot, but I did it in Eastern Kingdoms. (I fortuitously discovered this at the point that Joar was almost completely done with Kalimdor) So perusing through the epic Joarmama's achievement list, I discovered he had made enormous progress on many many of the zones in Eastern Kingdoms. By the way - Joarmama - great name for a goblin warrior, am I right?
In the meantime, I had been feverishly working through completing Kalimdor on my warlock and managed to get through all of that last week. After that, I went back to the warrior and did the last few quests in each zone that he needed to finish them up.
So last week, I was sitting at 890 quests to go, with 397 in Kalimdor and 493 in Eastern Kingdoms (or so I thought, but not really as it turns out).
As of this morning, Kalimdor is done and I have a total of 97 quests to go in Eastern Kingdoms in the two Stranglethorn zones. And that's not going to take me long at all.
The process itself has been a lot of fun. Quite a few really cool quests that I hadn't done before and really enjoyed. A couple of challenging spots as well - typically any quest that involves "weakening" an NPC and then capturing him doesn't work really well when you're one-shotting things immediately. Main issue in Kalimdor was a quest in Feralas that involved capturing an Ogre-Mage. The key, unfortunately seemed to be getting naked and giving myself rez sickness, and that seemed to do the trick. That was only one quest out of hundred, but I would not have been able to complete that zone without it (I tried).
Oh, and Ghostland sucks. Combine having to run with a serious of quests that don't seem to be well organized geographically, and it was probably my least favorite zone of all. That one needs a revamp.
So that's it for this week. Assuming I'm done in the next few days, I'll go back to leveling my alliance toons. Mage is up next. He's currently sitting at 78 or so.