Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Trying a Few Other Things

 I have been trying a few other things lately given the continuing content drought in Warcraft land.  There's been basically no progress in Warcraft land for the last several months.  I haven't even logged on to do the Darkmoon Faire profession quests each month, because I still fail to understand the point of having professions maxed.

I've been playing quite a bit of SWTOR and have another blog devoted entirely to what I've been doing in that space.  You can find that here:  https://swtoraltaddiction.blogspot.com/

I also briefly downloaded and tried playing Final Fantasy, but had a hard time getting into it right off the bat, so I put that one back on the shelf, at least for now.

I also went back and played a bit more of Guild Wars 2.  I tried that a few years ago, and had a really hard time getting into it back then.  I managed to get a little bit farther this time, but still struggling with it.  It is definitely improved, and so far I'm not finding myself in a spot where I feel like I've got no options other than grinding to level, but it still feels very confusing sometimes finding the correct path, particularly if you're switching zones.  I've been playing a Sylvari Ranger, which seems to have a nice easy play style.  I'll keep at it a bit, at least until the Warcraft pre-patch drops, and I may go back and give Final Fantasy a second try as well.

But I'm finally approaching the point where I may just go back to playing WoW again.  I do have a few pet achievements that I can finish up before pre-patch, and there is always the ability to make just a little more gold before the next expansion kicks off.



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