Monday, December 30, 2024

2024 Year In Review

A lot was going on with most of the games I played in 2024, so there was a lot of activity and a lot of hopping around between games depending on the particular content that was fresh at the time.

I started the year with 9 max-level characters in World of Warcraft Dragonflight, basically every role at max level in FFXIV, and one max-level character in both Guild Wars 2 and Elder Scrolls Online.

January and February saw me mainly focused on Elder Scrolls Online as I started leveling a character of each class to max level in that game.

I continued that process in March and also ran through some of the new chapters released in Guild Wars 2.

In April, I finally finished getting a character of each class to max level in ESO.  With that done, I returned to World of Warcraft to finish knocking out some Dragonflight renowns and start leveling alts again.

In May, I managed to get a character of each class in World of Warcraft to max level, something I hadn't done since Battle for Azeroth.  I also started working on professions in Elder Scrolls Online and got quite a few of them knocked out fairly quickly.  I also leveled a character to max level using the MOP Remix.

June saw the 15th anniversary of this blog and a lot of drifting back and forth between games without accomplishing much.  

Dawntrail dropped for Final Fantasy in late June and became my primary focus until early August. I managed to get my Summoner, Machinist, and Samurai to max level before losing focus with FFXIV.  

In August, I finished getting my DOH / DOL jobs to max level and started using Radiant Echoes to level many of my alts in World of Warcraft.  I ended up with a total of 21 characters at max level using Radiant Echoes before War Within dropped.

September and October had very little play time because of college recruiting trips with the youngest Joarling, who ended up verbally committing to swim for Texas A&M in mid-October, although the play time that I did have was pretty much all focused on World of Warcraft.  

In November and December, I took some time away from World of Warcraft to run both my primary alts through Janthir Wilds, which I very much enjoyed.  

So, at the end of the year, I'm sitting with 8 max-level characters in World of Warcraft (unless I get the paladin that I'm working on to max before the end of the day tomorrow, in which case it will end up being 9).

Courtesy of TempusGameIt, I can also look at my total playtime across all my games for the year, with a tiny exception.  My total play time was 17 days and 9 hours, divided across 5 games.   The most significant play time was World of Warcraft with 7 days and 22 hours, followed by Elder Scrolls Online at 6 days and 11 hours, then Guild Wars 2 at 2 days and 6 hours.  

Now, here is the caveat to this.  At some point, I had to move my install of Final Fantasy XIV to a different drive on my machine; I completely spaced doing a Tempus GameIt rescan when I did that, so I essentially missed counting pretty much all of my Dawntrail playing time.  Based on my typical weekly average, I suspect I'm missing around 80 hours of playtime there.  My estimate is probably around 3 days and 16 hours of playtime for FFXIV during the year.

Next week, we'll talk about gaming goals for 2025.  



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