Monday, November 25, 2024

Diving Deeper Into Guild Wars 2

I have had minimal play time over the last couple of weeks because things have been pretty crazy at work, but when I have had the chance, it has been very focused on Guild Wars 2.  I recently completed the original release version of the main story and am now working through the new pieces of content that came out in the last couple of weeks.  

I'm enjoying this expansion a lot.  I am still completely unable to decide which character I want to focus on, so I'm just switching between my Mechanist and my Necromancer / Reaper.  

I've enjoyed the story so far, and it's been nice having a mix of old and new characters joining us, including someone we haven't worked with much in a while.  They've also done an excellent job of tying things in a little bit with the last expansion.

Once I get the content done on both, I'll probably finish all the main story content on my Mechanist and then finish all the post-Tyria map completion on my Necromancer.  That way, I can continue to switch back and forth without feeling weird about it.

I love the new Warclaw mount.  I know it's been in the game for a while for WvW, but I'm enjoying having it out in Open World and some of its new functionality. It's also nice how they incorporate some of that functionality into the story.  

I'm also enjoying my Homestead, although I have yet to invest much energy in decorating it. I was surprised to see that it's shared cross-character, which is pretty nice.

I'm curious to see where this story goes, but I'm enjoying my time in Guild Wars 2.



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