Monday, November 25, 2024
Diving Deeper Into Guild Wars 2
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Adding Some FFXIV and Guild Wars 2 Activity, Plus an Update on WoW Leveling
I've interrupted my near-constant run of World of Warcraft lately to work on a couple of other things. First, there's a new content patch for FFXIV, so I've started working through the MSQ on that. I've gotten through the new dungeon (what the heck was that?), so I think I'm pretty close to being done.
Then, since there was maintenance on Tuesday, I decided to go ahead and get the new Guild Wars 2 expansion and start working on that. I've been using my Machinist for the last few expansions, but I think I've decided to return to my Necromancer for this one.
I have yet to get very far, so it's too early to draw any significant conclusions. But I should have more play time tomorrow, so I hope to get further along.
In World of Warcraft news, I finished the Paladin and the Shaman that I started afterward. I leveled the Shaman primarily through Timewalking dungeons, and it was about 2 hours, or 25% faster than the regular questing leveling approach I've been using. The Shaman was my 6th max level character so far in War Within.
I also got the hunter pretty much fully geared, so I've switched to doing weekly stuff on the Death Knight to get him geared up.
Things may be slowing down a bit at work, which may give me a bit more play time over the next few weeks, so hopefully I can make more progress across all of these fronts.
Thoughts on Undermine and Leveling Update
It has been longer than I would like since I last posted. There has been a lot going on at work as I've changed roles yet again. We al...
One of my WoW goals that has always been floating randomly out in the ether somewhere was to level a toon of each class to 80. I've see...
One of my guildmates is currently in the process of leveling his 6 th toon to 80. A rogue. After he's finished with this one, he...