Friday, March 24, 2017

And the Mage Makes 11!

So I hit 110 on the mage earlier this week.  Leveling as fire ended up being quite a bit easier than I was expecting.  What it lacks over frost in control, it more than makes up for in sheer burstiness.  And adding a frost-based bodyguard brings back at least a little bit of those control features.

The class order hall campaign for the mage was a bit odd in that there was almost no content available while leveling.  Unlike most classes, where there is a series of things available around level 105 or 106, there was pretty much nothing after the original 101/102 stuff until hitting level 110.  I'm not entirely through it yet, but so far it's nothing out of the ordinary.

I'll be working on the warrior next (in fact already have him sitting at 103).  He's not going to make it to 110 before 7.2 drops, so he may end up getting paused for a bit while I work on Pathfinder Part 2 and on whatever is necessary to make progress on class mounts on 11 different toons, which sounds like it'll be a bit of a nightmare, since I need all 11 to get to Exalted with the new faction in order to get there.  I'm seriously hoping they change that little bit at some point in the future.

I also managed to get yet another legendary this week, this time on the druid.  This one dropped as loot off a random world rare kill, which is the first time that I've ever had that happen.  But hey!  I'll take it!  That brings me to having legendaries on 8 of my current 11 max level toons.

Also, next week is Spring Break, so there will be a break in the play time for vacation and holiday.



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