Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Updates on Leveling and Thoughts On Artifact Power

So I managed to get my elemental shaman to 110 a week or so ago (the exact date was 2/2).  The leveling time on this one was right in the middle of the pack at almost exactly 18 hours of played time.

Elemental wasn't my favorite, but ended up not being all that bad by the time it was done.  It is also incredibly fun in dungeons, so I did a bit more of those than normal.

I also managed to get all 5 of my 910 legendaries upgraded to 940 grinding out essences, mostly from LFR runs and from emissary chests.  Wasn't too bad by the time it was all said and done.  I'm not sure it was 100% necessary, but what the heck, right?

I also managed to get the moose mount from the weekly archaeology quest.  It ended up taking about 3 hours and definitely helped having the Surveyor enchant on my gloves.    It was a welcome distraction from other things.

I also started working again on the fishing artifact.  I've finished up the rares in Aszuna and Val'Sharah and am starting to work on Highmountain rares.

Also a welcome distraction.

Meanwhile, I've been leveling my rogue as Subtlety, which I had totally forgotten was even a spec. But with my favorite leveling spec, combat, completely gone, I had to pick something, and I didn't have two daggers, so Sub it was!  It's actually been pretty decent to level, with a few abilities that give it really decent burst and power.

Finally, there's been a ton of controversy swirling about artifact power and limits and developer blog posts and thousands and thousands of Maw of Souls runs.  I'd like to get really engaged in this.  I really would.  But where I am as a player right now and what I'm doing in game, I don't care.  I really don't.  The system is clearly not working as it should for high end raiders and Blizzard absolutely needs to figure out how to address that and needs to be good about communicating what they are doing in that regard.  But for me.  It's not an issue.



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