Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Bagged, Tagged, Planned and Ready to Roll

So the launch of Warlords is rapidly approaching.  I've been scurrying around this week acquiring Grummlepacks, Onyxia Hide Bags, Dragon Hide Bags and a few Royal Satchels so that all of my toons have plenty of bag space for leveling in Warlords.  Of course, I've never had an issue with running out of bag space while leveling in the past, so not sure why I think I'm going to have issues this time, but best to be prepared.  I don't know if we'll be seeing the same volume of random toys and cooking related items that seemed to drop all over the place in Pandaria, but I've always got bank alts set up to accept transfers of any needed excess goods at the first opportunity.

I've also had the time to plan out what I think my Garrison layouts are going to be for each toon, as well as my initial thoughts on leveling order and the leveling approach to be used by each toon.

So here is what that little plan looks like:

Small plot Medium plot Large plot Leveling approach
Joar Tailoring Emporium Barn Barracks Questing skip ahead
Enchanter's Study Lumber Mill Mage Tower
Joardk The Forge Barn Barracks Questing - complete zones
Enchanter's Study Trading Post Stables
Joarshot Enchanter's Study Inn Barracks Garrison Focused
Alchemy Lab Lumber Mill Armoury
Joarbek Scribes Quarters Trading Post Armoury Questing - skip ahead
Storehouse Lumber Mill Barracks
Salvage Yard
Joaridan Gem's Boutique Barn Barracks Dungeons / healing
Enchanter's Study Trading Post Mage Tower
Joarfu Enchanter's Study Inn Armoury Garrison focused
Storehouse Lumber Mill Barracks
Salvage Yard
Joarvyk Alchemy Lab Trading Post Mage Tower Dungeons / healing
Storehouse Lumber Mill Workshop
Salvage Yard
Joarnak Enchanter's Study Barn Mage Tower Questing - complete zones
Storehouse Trading Post Workshop
Salvage Yard
Joarwyn Tannery Barn Barrcks Dungeons / healing
Enchanter's Study Lumber Mill Stables
Joarmama Enchanter's Study Inn Armoury Garrison focused
Storehouse Lumber Mill Barracks
Salvage Yard
Joarstab Engineering Works Inn Stables Questing - skip ahead
Enchanter's Study Lumber Mill Workshop
Melric Enchanter's Study Trading Post Mage Tower Questing - skip ahead
Storehouse Inn Stables
Salvage Yard
Melpar Enchanter's Study Trading Post Mage Tower Questing - complete zones
Storehouse Barn Stables
Salvage Yard
Meloar Enchanter's Study Inn Armoury Garrison Focused
Storehouse Lumber Mill Barracks
Salvage Yard
Melwon Scribes Quarters Trading Post Barracks Dungeons / healing
Storehouse Lumber Mill Workshop
Salvage Yard
Melardin Enchanter's Study Trading Post Mage Tower Questing - complete zones
Storehouse Barn Stables

Salvage Yard

So I think that gives me a reasonable start to the plan.   Everyone is cleaned out and freshly stocked with supplies and more than adequate bag space. Everyone with crafting professions has the corresponding plots.  The toons that are my big money makers generally have access to a trading post in their Garrison (although may have to bulldoze at least one Lumber Mill at some point).  I've got a plan for my Garrisons that gives me a look at basically all the buildings available (except for the PvP building, which I'm still debating about adding to a toon or two later on).  And I've also spaced out the toons that I plan to level via dungeons to make sure that I don't drive myself completely insane.

Once I start getting a few toons to max level, I'll then need to decide if I want to start jumping into LFR or focus on playing around with my garrisons etc.

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