Tuesday, October 14, 2014

You Are Not Prepared!!!! for 6.0

Actually, I am sort of prepared, but that makes for a really boring blog post title.  So there are a number of things that I plan to do tonight once 6.0 is up and running, after of course making sure as many of my addons as possible have been updated.

  • Sort through my various alt banks and make sure everything is appropriately deposited in the new toy box.  Wowhead has a list of things that can go in the toybox, and combining that with the ArkInventory cross toon search feature has me well prepared with a good list of how to get that done efficiently.
  • Go play through the new launch event in the Blasted Lands.  I honestly might give this one a day or two before I jump into it, just to wait for the crowds to die down a little bit.
  • Run the new UBRS instance.  I should be able to grab a guild group for this one.
  • With a total of 15 toons geared at least somewhat for raiding, I'm probably not going to go to the trouble of optimizing more than a handful for raiding at this point.  I'll likely try Siege again on a couple, but not enough for it to be worth going through a big optimization effort.  Sorry Mr. Robot.
  • I'd like to jump into some of the older raid instances that have been made more solo friendly to see how that feels.  Thorim.  This means you.
  • I've been very focused on my alliance paladin lately hoping to get him to 90 before the next expansion drops (he's currently sitting just slightly short of 82).  Despite that goal, I may go back to leveling folks a little bit at a time just to get a feel for some of the class changes and how those may impact me for leveling come WoD release.
  • I may make a few trips to the barber shops / plastic surgeon guy to see if I like new face options for any of my characters.  It seems like an odd thing since I'm generally only looking at their back sides, but I figure I'll take a look.
  • With 522 gear now purchasable for gold from the Shado-Pan Assault vendor, I will probably buy a few upgrade pieces for toons that can use them.  I probably should have prepared a list for this.  
I think that's about it for my post-patch to do list.  Once all of that is done, I'll probably go back to leveling my alliance toons for the next month or so.

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