Monday, October 21, 2024

More Leveling Progress

My play time continues to be limited, and as a result, very much focused on World of Warcraft.  I did manage to get both my Druid and my Death Knight to max level.  The Druid took about the same amount of time as the Hunter.  The Death Knight ended up being about an hour faster.  

For the Death Knight, I did go back and start knocking out a lot of the side quests that I had skipped the first time, particularly in Hallowfall, just to get the renown points from most of those.

I've started the Paladin next, and my plan there is to knock out the rest of those side quests, which are now mostly in the final zone.  After that, I'll probably just go back to leveling via Main Story Quests.  Queuing for normal dungeons tends to be too much of a shit show these days and my Brann isn't a high enough level to make leveling via delves as easy as I'd like it to be, making the xp per hour from those lower than just questing.

After the Paladin, I will probably do Shaman next and then Demon Hunter, which will give me all the professions available, although I can't remember the last time I actually leveled all the professions to max.  Note - going back and checking, it appears that Legion was the last time I did it completely, although it looks like I got fairly close in Battle for Azeroth and then got completely distracted by FFXIV.

Finally, in ESO I've continued doing the daily Enchanting Writ whenever I'm actually playing.  I'm probably only 2-3 days away from having it finally to max level.

That's the update for now!



Wednesday, October 9, 2024

War Within Updates

As mentioned in early September, my travel schedule with my youngest and a fairly busy work schedule has really limited my game time, so there has been little to report in this space.

I did manage to get my Hunter to level 80, and my Druid is sitting at level 78, so I've made decent progress on the alt front.  I'm continuing to move things along with gearing up my Warlock, although I'm mostly just enjoying doing weekly quests and knocking out increasingly higher-level delves.  I'm not super aggressive with that, either, though.  

I'm continuing to enjoy this expansion so far.  Once the Druid is done, I'll likely start working on the Death Knight next, followed by the Paladin.  

On leveling time, the Hunter was significantly faster than my Warlock, which is not unusual.  I'm still not sure what the quickest leveling path is going to end up looking like.   Delves provide a significant chunk of experience the first time through.  I've also been looking at how follower dungeons impact my xp per hour levels.  

I'm still logging into Elder Scrolls Online every day just to knock out a daily enchanter writ to continue to level up that final job.  I'm now at level 48, so getting close to being done with that.

I haven't looked at the new expansion for Guild Wars 2 yet, although I'd like to get to that eventually.

That's the update for now!



Thoughts on Undermine and Leveling Update

It has been longer than I would like since I last posted.  There has been a lot going on at work as I've changed roles yet again.  We al...