Friday, March 26, 2021
Shadowbringers DOH / DOL Leveling
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Major Changes
If you're looking at the blog today, you'll notice there have been some significant changes. Both the website address and the title have changed and the long list of max level characters on each server in World of Warcraft have gone, replaced by some information on the various other games that I'm playing.
Thank you to my good friend Sarah (@InternetofWords/@MoveablePress) with help on brainstorming the new name as well as the absolutely brilliant new blog header!
What has prompted this? For starters, for the first time in probably 14 years, I'm no longer subscribed to World of Warcraft. I haven't played meaningfully in several months, and I'm getting enough entertainment from the other games that I'm playing that I haven't really missed it at all.
This blog post isn't going to be a bash on Warcraft. I know a lot of people are still enjoying the current iteration of the game, and that's great. I'm just finding that other games are working better for me right now.
The other major changes, is after getting some good feedback on Twitter, I changed the main class that I'm playing in ESO to Magicka Templar, and it definitely feels a lot better and more fluid to me! Since I already went through the Coldharbour quest line on my Magicka Sorceror, I decided to skip that on the Templar and just work my way through the Daggerfall Covenant storyline. That's been really good so far and I'm really enjoying that storyline.
Thanks to @Clockwork_Bells, @_JoshuaCooper and @Belghast for the recommendations on classes and questing progression!
I will likely go back and do the Coldharbour stuff at some point, but for now, I'm having a good time working my way through the DC stuff. My new Magicka Templar, Joarvyk, is sitting at level 22.
In FFXIV, I'm continuing to work through DOH/DOL progression and am very close to having all of these jobs to level 70 and progress on to Shadowbringers stuff. The Stormblood leveling for these jobs has been a ton easier than Heavensward was and I'm back to leveraging Grand Company turn-ins and Namazu beast tribe dailies for a lot of the progress.
Here is where I stand on each job:
Miner - 71
Botanist - 70
Fisher - 68
Weaver - 69
Goldsmith - 69
Alchemist - 69
Blacksmith - 69
Leatherworker - 69
Culinarian - 68
Armorer - 69
Carpenter - 69
The mid-Stormblood crafting gear has got quite the look going:
Apparently I'm prepared for both blacksmithing, waltzing and an evening with the Bridgertons, all at the same time.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
The Painful Push Through Heavensward DOH/DOL Leveling in FFXIV
Boy did I hit a rock wall on leveling my DOH/DOL jobs after my last blog post. As it turns out, the materials for Grand Company turn-ins once you get past 50 for most of the DOH/DOL items become truly prohibitive. Lots of rare materials that may only appear at certain times with very low harvest success rates.
Gear also becomes a major issue with crafting those items for the turn-ins as there seems to be a serious jump in stats needed past 50. And crafting the gear needed for yourself is subject to the same issues as the GC stuff that you're trying to make to turn-in in the first place.
The answer for me ended up being switching to Ishgard Restoration. My pre-50 gear seemed to work just fine for the level 40 Ishgard Restoration items which gave plenty of xp for leveling the DOH jobs from the early 50's to 60. Plus gathering in the Diadem naturally progressed my DOL jobs.
If I had been willing to do the rather long unlock quest line at the time, unlocking the Moogle Beast Tribe dailies likely would have helped during the process as well, but I didn't think of that until it was too late.
My plan, which seems to be working pretty well so far, was to craft a full set of early 60 crafting and gathering gear since the Stormblood stuff seems to be a bit more straightforward.
I also unlocked the Namazu Beast Tribe quests and used those to move my various DOH jobs up from 60 to 62 or so until more of the new gear could be used. And at this point, I'm now back to being able to use the Grand Company turn-ins to get about a level per day on each of the DOH jobs. Plus an additional level a day from the Namazu stuff.
I briefly flirted with going back and trying to get current on all the profession quests, but ended up deciding that wasn't necessarily worth while.
Here is where I currently stand with all of them:
Weaver - 63
Goldsmith - 62
Alchemist - 62
Blacksmith - 63
Leatherworker - 62
Culinarian - 63
Armorer - 63
Carpenter - 63
Miner - 65
Botanist - 65
Fisher - 60
Elder Scrolls Online
Since I've been very focused on FFXIV lately, I haven't made much progress on ESO. My Sorceror is sitting at level 25 and working through Coldharbour.
Death Knight is still sitting at level 54 and still hanging out in Maldraxxus. Not much going on there.
That is the update for this week.
Moving On To the Giant Slug of Level 50s
I managed to get my level 60 druid to max level last week and now most of what remains is the huge batch of level 50 characters left over fr...
One of my WoW goals that has always been floating randomly out in the ether somewhere was to level a toon of each class to 80. I've see...
One of my guildmates is currently in the process of leveling his 6 th toon to 80. A rogue. After he's finished with this one, he...