Monday, January 29, 2018

Ding. Level 110 #28 is Done. All the 100's are now 110 (Plus Two Demon Hunters)

So I managed to hit 110 on my Assassination Rogue today, which is the third rogue I've leveled in Legion.  Didn't like it as much as I enjoyed Subtlety, but definitely preferred it to Outlaw.

Since my last blog post, I also managed to get the Guardian druid to 110.  Beyond that, I've not been playing much, or have been focusing on world quests and emissaries on some of my existing max level toons.  But even that has gotten a bit old at this point.

I did manage to get my warlock all the way through Antorus, which unlocked some of the post-raid content.  I found that to be really well done and very enjoyable.  No spoilers though.

So now it's going to be time to focus on my lower level toons, start checking out the zone scaling that was introduced in 7.3.5, and see how many other toons we can get to 110.  At the moment, I've got a shaman sitting at 80, a mage somewhere in the 40's and a third death knight sitting, well, right where death knights start.

So I supposed we'll start working on those.  Everyone else on server number 3 is somewhere in the teens, so a long way to go.



Moving On To the Giant Slug of Level 50s

I managed to get my level 60 druid to max level last week and now most of what remains is the huge batch of level 50 characters left over fr...